Women S Thoughts On Penis Size
What do women think about penis size? And does it really make any difference to sex?: Penis size. Does it really make any difference to …
It’s a topic that has yet to go away and probably never will: does penis size matter? Well, does it? Is this something about which you genuinely care? Studies have found that when it comes to penis size, 84 percent of women are just fine with what th…
Comments and opinions by visitors about penissizedebate.com and penis size in general.
‘Since context matters, men should be thinking ‘fit’ rather than ‘fat’ with respect to their penis size. In other words, women may prefer different sizes for different reasons at different times, so chances are very good any guy is someone’s ideal for the relationship type they are seeking.’
Today’s reader question may be our shortest one yet. Here it is from our most popular commenter, that ever-present Anonymous. Can you do a post on penis size? I don’t know exactly what the reader expected me to say on the subject.
There are natural means of achieving a bigger penis size, yet which matters most for women, penis girth or length?
Myth 6 “Penis shape doesn’t matter; penis size does” Well, perhaps yes, perhaps no. Here’s an extract from a place which ought to be full of those who know: a women’s …
Penis Size . We’ve all heard the saying “It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it that counts.” But somehow it doesn’t make any difference, does it?
What women want as far as penis size is concerned
This is a film I made (The Author) in 2005 for the BBC. “I guess this thing is about having a small dick, and it’s horrible saying that because it’s true…. And why is it such a problem? This is what this film is about”. My Penis and I follows my two-year journey to discover if size …