Western Amateur
Founded in 1977, Incorporated under 501(c)(3) of IRS Code; Formed from merger of two area clubs – the Asheville Radio Club and the Buncombe County VHF Society; Through these, we have been affiliated with the ARRL (American Radio Relay League) since 1938.
GOLF, ILL. (May 4) – Evanston Golf Club in Skokie, Illinois, will host a Western Golf Association championship for the first time ever when the 101st Western Championship is played there June 18-21. Since its creation by the Western Golf Association in 1914, the Western has been a
Associations that would like to host teens Tier I NTB teams for the following season must publish and advertise tryout dates prior to the start of the current USA Hockey National Championship; provided, however, that no tryouts or activities that could be construed as such may occur until 48 hours after the last game of the Tier I teens’ and
The Western Washington DX Club (WWDXC) is one of the largest and most active radio clubs on the West Coast. Our members are licensed amateur radio operators who have an interest in DX (distance) communications and radio contest operating.
The 2018 Western Amateur will be played July 30 – Aug. 4 at Sunset Ridge Country Club in Northfield, Illinois. Applications for 2018 Western Amateur Now Available
2017 Western Amateur Winner: Norman Xiong. Norman Xiong of Canyon Lake, California, defeated Doc Redman of Raleigh, North Carolina, in 22 holes in the final match at Skokie Country Club in Glencoe, Illinois, to win the 2017 Western Amateur.
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Western Washington Amateur Relay Association. Providing frequency coordination services for Western Washington since 1976.
Breeze Shooters is one of the oldest Amateur (Ham) Radio Clubs in Western Pennsylvania. Our membership is in the thousands. …
Welcome to the Western Counties Amateur Boxing Association. The regional website for information on amateur boxing in the West Country. If you have any news, events results or photographs you’d like to share with us, please send them to: cltjef@blueyonder.co.uk OR mike@thewholehouseco.co.com