Lisa Ann Anal Scene

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Lisa Ann is the milf that every one dreams of fucking . Check out this sexy cougar in her free porn videos. knows exactly what you need.

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Find where Lisa Ann is credited alongside another name:. This will allow you to search for titles that have another person in the cast. It does NOT mean that they necessarily worked together.. If you’re not sure of the way the name is spelled in our database, use a substring, and we’ll check it out on the next page

Lisa Ann, Actress: Lisa Ann’s college of Milf. Lisa Ann, a scintillating dark-haired beauty whose loveliness is ageless, graced the porn scene between 1993 and 1994. Her exhibitionist talents first began on stage as an erotic dancer during her college years in 1990, when she later became a certified dental assistant. In 1997 she quit the porn …

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Evil Angel presents Lisa Ann in “How To Date Glam, Busty MILF Lisa Ann, Scene #01”. Mega-stacked MILF Lisa Ann primps for a date. The lush-lipped beauty’s makeup, jewelry, and lingerie look glamorous in the bathroom mirror … as bald, muscular Johnny Sins watches, transfixed.

My return to man teen scene in 2018 starts with my exclusive series I Am Back 4 More taking on Johnny Sins here when he finds me in the bathroom and cannot resist me, nor I him, in this fun hardcore sexual romp!

About Lisa Ann. Lisa Ann (born May 9, 1972) is American exotic dancer, adult model and porn actress. She was born in Easton, Pennsylvania. She began erotic dancing ca. 1990 to pay her way through college, where she became a certified dental assistant.

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Lisa Ann tells Jules Jordan Fuck my ASS please