Hetero Sex

Hetero Sex 48

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Circumcision and HIV A lie will be halfway around the world before the truth has got its pants on. – Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, 1855 who called it an old proverb

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Heteronormativity is the belief that people fall into distinct and complementary genders (male and female) with natural roles in life.It assumes that heterosexuality is the only sexual orientation or the only norm, and that sexual and marital relations are most (or only) fitting between people of opposite sex.

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Heterosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between persons of the opposite sex or gender.As a sexual orientation, heterosexuality is “an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions” to persons of the opposite sex; it “also refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions

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Hetero Sex 99

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