Better Longer Sex
I wonder if there are two types of seniors: those who love their sex-toy shops, and those who haven’t discovered yet how wonderful these stores are.
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Basically, water is administered through a douche apparatus and then the water is expelled back through the rectum, out the body, taking any unwanted debris along with it.
Module 1 – The 3 Psychological Secrets Of Sexual Stamina Discover how to get out of your head so you can 10x your lasting power. Module 2 – 5 Guaranteed Ways To Last Longer …
Why couples who DON’T argue live longer: They’re less stressed, eat better and are less likely to smoke. By Anna Hodgekiss Published: …
For more, visit TIME Health. Old age demands to be taken very seriously–and it usually gets its way. It’s hard to be cavalier about a time of life defined by loss of vigor, increasing frailty, rising disease risk and falling cognitive faculties. Then there’s the unavoidable matter of the end
When you’re in the mood, it’s a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more.
Advice for men: How to make sexual intercourse better . We all know that the type of sex we have when passion strikes – that’s fast and furious sex, passionate sex – can be very satisfying and tremendously exciting.
This unique clitoral stroking approach empowers YOU to give her the best multi-orgasmic pleasure she’s ever experienced… and will reward YOU in ways you never imagined.