Russian Academy Of Natural
institute science organization academy
Explore an aquarium, planetarium, and natural history museum—all under one living roof.
A few words to the physicians of the future: Saint Petersburg State Mechnikov Medical Academy is one of the leading Medical colleges in Russia.
Academy of Sciences: Academy of Sciences, highest scientific society and principal coordinating body for research in natural and social sciences, technology, and production in …
The Kievan period. The Christian community that developed into what is now known as the Russian Orthodox Church is traditionally said to have been founded by the Apostle Andrew, who is thought to have visited Scythia and Greek colonies along the northern coast of the Black Sea.
Russian culture has a long history. Russia claimed a long tradition of dividend in many aspects of the arts, especially when it comes to literature, philosophy, classical music, ballet, architecture, painting, cinema, animation and politics, which all had considerable influence on world culture.
News. Genetically encoded fluorescent pH probe for precise monitoring of cellular biochemistry science news V.3. One of the directions of the Molecular Technologies Laboratory is the development of new tools for bioimaging and optogenetics.
Hirudotherapy,Drugless Hirudotherapy,Leeches and Piyavki in CAM, Biotherapy with Medicinal Leeches, Service in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Hirudotherapy Certification, Academy of Hirudotherapy, American Hirudotherapy Association
News (World,Science,Education,Politics,Technology,Entertainment,Health,more) Al Jazeera, The Associated Press, BBC, CBS, CNN, CSIS, FOX, Google, IRNA, MSNBC, Reuters, The Financial Times, The Moscow Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Аргументы и Факты, Известия, Комсомольская правда
Systema Spetsnaz – Russian Martial Arts hand to hand combat offers reality based self-defense training. Systema classes, Seminars, Spetsnaz DVDs.