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The 2018 Program May 4, 2018 | 1:30pm Davidge Hall. Our annual conference is devoted to the modern medical diagnosis of disorders that affected prominent historical figures.
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MAIN GALLERY. Stories of queer life in San Francisco from the 19th century to today featuring multimedia displays drawn from the world-class archival collections of the GLBT Historical Society.
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The Niagara Historical Society & Museum is is located on Castlereagh Street in the Niagara-on-the-lake Ontario, Canada. It is dedicated to the ongoing preservation of the unique history of NOTL through lectures, publications, exhibitions, gift shop and community programmes.
Africa Botswana. The possession of “Indecent and obscene material such as pornographic books, magazines, films, videos, DVDs and …
Historical usage. Robert Browning famously misused the term in his 1841 poem “Pippa Passes”, believing it was an item of nun’s clothing:. Then owls and …
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